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Another World, Hidden Behind Subjects ㅣ Ejung Ban, Art Critic Others by Okjoo Kang is an ongoing project that started in 2016, which features a series of photographs where the subjects are intentionally thrown out of focus. The out-of-focus photographs may

Seeing the invisible ㅣ Curator, Chae-Won YoonThere are many kinds of catalysts reminding people of their memories. Things like incense you’ve smelled or feeling you’ve touched. Such experiences bringing memories very trivial but forgotten completely to mind often provide an

In September, it was the best season for traveling. However, as many people enjoy preparation periods just as much as traveling itself, I’d been in Spain since Summer. During preparation, the most difficult thing was making airline reservations while falling

Objet O As the exhibition title, 'Objet O' originated from ‘objet a,’ or objet petit-a, one of main concepts of Jacques Lacan. Here, 'O' is regarded as ordinaire, meaning common or ordinary, as original, meaning creative or original, and as ouvert,

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