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Another World, Hidden Behind Subjects ㅣ Ejung Ban, Art Critic Others by Okjoo Kang is an ongoing project that started in 2016, which features a series of photographs…
The ongoing project ‘Others’ since 2016 is the photo work visualizing my personal mental imagery on others, people and views that may be objectified completely, in which gaze…
Sometimes I come to be suspicious of my being itself when left alone at the atelier. What does it mean that I exist. As if I came to…
Seeing the invisible ㅣ Curator, Chae-Won Yoon There are many kinds of catalysts reminding people of their memories. Things like incense you’ve smelled or feeling you’ve touched. Such…
In September, it was the best season for traveling. However, as many people enjoying preparation periods just as much as traveling itself, I’d been in Spain since Summer….
Auditorium series is a series of black and white photos taken inside the school auditorium in 2006. When there is a religious service, it is crowded with students….